I have seen, heard and shed so many in the last 5 months. Anytime I think about how Stella came to join us I tear up. The week leading up to her arrival when I tried not to think about the possibility of a girl but then just incase made a little pink heart onesie. The night we found out that she would be ours and the screaming tears that followed the phone call from our case manager. The tears from thinking that all those nights of wanting it to happen sooner and how God had a way better plan. Tears for love at first sight when they brought her to us and she smiled instantly at the sight of me, her mother forever. Tears when I think of the three days in the hospital all by herself. Tears seeing people with tears that I did not expect to be so moved. Tears for having no idea what i was doing on the day she was being born. For the sweetest foster family who took her in and did all the really hard work, middle of the night feedings especially. For the amazing Lawyer who represents our girl and pushed for her to be with us after finding our blog and hearing our hearts. for the sweetest little girl face I have ever seen. Tears for the biological mom that will never know this sweet baby girl. Most of all tears for an incredibly intricate plan that has left me baffled by God's power his omniscience and the story that he is writing through Stella and our family.